Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Why You Should Get Your Gums Cleaned

Although you might be on top of keeping your teeth clean and healthy, that’s not the only part of your mouth that needs constant attention. Your gums also need to be taken care of daily to avoid serious dental issues that can be quite painful and often difficult to treat.

The most common issues that develop when the gums are not properly cleaned are gingivitis and periodontitis. This is when bacteria in the mouth gets in between the teeth and the gums and becomes infected. In severe cases, tooth loss can occur. Signs of these diseases usually include inflamed or swollen gums, bad breath, receding gums or other pain on or around the tooth. If you notice any of these issues, visit a dentist as soon a possible to get it treated before it develops into something worse.

Luckily, by taking good care of your teeth and gums you can usually prevent these diseases from occurring in the first place. When you are at home, you should brush your teeth, gums and tongue at least twice a day to remove bacteria and plaque. You should also thoroughly floss your teeth daily to remove food remnants near the gums that could lead to increased bacteria. Another way that you can keep your gums healthy is by using a mouthwash every day. This can be very beneficial, as it cleans areas of the mouth that are hard to reach while brushing.

Although there are various things you can do from home to help keep your teeth and gums in top shape, one of the most important ways you can prevent gum diseases is by visiting a dentist at least once every six months. This is because they have the tools to thoroughly clean and polish your teeth and gums, which makes it more difficult for plaque to form. They also can spot and treat any developing issues that you may not have noticed yet, preventing worse problems from arising.

A few other ways to keep your gums healthy include using a good toothbrush, avoiding soft drinks, quitting smoking and using products that help you locate plaque. If you follow these tips and do your best to keep your teeth and gums healthy, you can easily eliminate diseases and other painful gum problems from developing, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. For more information on how you can take care of your gums or to schedule a dental cleaning in Durham, please visit this website.

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